Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 26, 2013

International Peace Day

The International Day of Peace was on September 21, but as it was a Saturday, we held our celebration on Monday, Sept. 23. It was a very nice ceremony, with guests from all over our local community, including members of the Rotary Club, the National Park Service, various branches of the US Armed Forces, and the Global Community Alliance.
The children shared different ideas about peace, what it means to them, and how they can make the world a more peaceful place. Then they shared “Peace Rocks” that they decorated, as a reminder to keep peace in our community.
We want to thank everyone who was a part of the ceremony and everyone who helped provide shade for our students and guests by sharing your easy-ups. You are very much appreciated!

Thank You!

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time or resources this month, including those of you who brought your “easy-ups.” We are very grateful!

If you didn’t get the chance to volunteer this month, but are interested in helping, there are always opportunities! The sign-up sheet for October will be up by Monday. Ms. Cori is also looking for a parent (or parents) who might be willing to help catalog the school and classroom libraries. If you are interested, please see Ms. Cori.

October Birthdays

There are quite a few birthdays coming up in October! If your child is one of those with an upcoming birthday, and you wish to celebrate here at school, please approach either Ms. Beth or Ms. Cori as soon as possible to schedule the celebration.

Please remember to bring pictures and a description of the milestones or experiences your child had at a particular age. This can be something you and your child can work on together! If you wish to bring a treat, please let us know ahead of time what you plan to bring. Thank you!

Important Dates/ Reminders

  • Book orders for the month of October will be due on Friday, October 4. The order forms are in your child’s purple folder.
  • There will be no classes Oct. 10, 11, and 14 for fall break. Classes will resume on Oct. 15.