Monday, September 24, 2012

September 21, 2012

International Day of Peace

September 21 is the International Day of Peace. It is an international holiday for people around the world to promote the attitude of a worldwide community, tolerance, respect and consequently, peace. It began in 1981, when it was implemented by the United Nations. The whole school community came together for a ceremony outside. Each classroom shared about why peace was important and what it meant to them.

Peacebuilders, including police officers, Rotary Club members and local government officials from the Santa Cruz Valley community, were also invited. They were honored for helping to create a peaceful community for all of us. Thank you to all of you who promote peace in our community!
World Peace Doves
Purposefulness is the idea of doing things with a goal in mind; not being haphazard or random in movements or activities. Your child has learned about how purposefulness can really help them be more effective in their work habits and communication.  
We also discussed purposefulness in the context of being peaceful. If we are intentional about teaching peace to others, it can really make a difference.
Boats Afloat!
Last week we did experiments with floating and sinking. What makes things sink or float? We talked about what made boats work, even though they were made of heavy metals and carried very heavy materials.
This week, the students had an opportunity to work in pairs to create a boat out of aluminum foil. We tested each boat to see how many pennies they could carry. The boats each carried between 31 and 200 pennies! The average was about 70 pennies. We discovered that wide boats with taller sides did the best.
Try making a boat at home with your child. How many pennies can yours hold?
September 26th is an early release day. Please pick up your child right at 11:30. If they are staying for aftercare, please make sure they have a lunch.