Monday, October 15, 2012

October 12. 2012

Fire Safety

On Wednesday, we were visited by the Tubac Fire Department.  They came to talk to the classrooms about how to keep yourself safe if there is a fire.  Students had the opportunity to practice hearing the sound of the smoke detector, as well as how you should crawl to avoid inhaling smoke if there is a fire.  We all got to see the fire truck, and students were asked to practice planning escape routes and meeting places with their family, in case of fire. 

It is recommended that familes practice this at least twice a year, and that a plan is made for getting pets and small children out of the home.  If your family has not already developed an emergency plan, have your child work with you to design one.

Help your family to have a safe home by checking that electrical outlets and appliances are working correctly, making sure things are not left where they could burn, and checking batteries in smoke detectors regularly.

For more tips on fire safety and interactive materials for children, visit the government's website on fire safety at:


The kids had a great time at Rumpelstiltskin on Thursday.  They got to laugh, interact with the show, and even meet some of the characters afterwards.  Some of them had really interesting things to write about in their journals after we came back to school.

Thank you to the parents who volunteered to chaperone and drive the students to the performance.  We couldn't do it without you!



As a part of our studies of historic European culture, we are learning about constellations and their relationship to Greek and Roman mythology.  We used our imaginations to see things in a different way, such as cloud shapes, etc.  Then the students designed thier own constellations.

Try studying the night sky with your child to find constellations.  Some of the easier ones to find right now are Pegasus or Cassiopeia.  If you have a smart phone you can download the Google Sky Map (for free!) to help you identify the constellations you are looking at.  You can find them on the computer at:


  • Wednesday, October 17 @ 3:15 PM is Afternoon of Montessori: Watch Me Work
  • Friday, October 19 from 1-3 PM is Campus Beautification Day.  The afternoon will be  spent focusing on clearing the garden space and parental help would be appreciated.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

In 1492 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue


Sorry for the Confusion!

In last week’s newsletter, you were notified about a field trip taking place on October 11, but there were permission slips sent home for October 4. There was a scheduling change for the field trip after the permission slips had been written, and the old ones were accidentally sent home.
The field trip will take place on Thursday, October 11. There are corrected permission slips in this week’s purple folder. Please send them back with your child Wednesday morning. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.
We still need parent volunteers to drive students to and from the event. Please come and talk to Ms. Beth or Ms. Cori if you are interested in volunteering.

Exploring Europe

This month, we are going to be focusing on the continent of Europe and its ancient historical influences from places like Greece and Rome. We will be looking at their artistic, cultural and academic contributions.
We will also be discussing Christopher Columbus, along with other European explorers. The student will be learning about their adventures and contributions, in preparation for the History Mystery put on by the Upper Elementary at the end of the month.


·         No school on October 5, 8, and 9, for Fall Break.
·      Because of the short week next week, no spelling words are being assigned.
·     If your child has an October birthday and you have not already scheduled a celebration, please see Ms. Beth or Ms. Cori as soon as possible.
·    The next Reading Club will be at 3:15 on Thursday, October 11. Children and family members of all ages are welcome!

Determination is having a firm purpose or willpower to achieve something. We have been learning about how determination can really help us meet a challenge or set a goal and make it happen. Determination can help us meet these challenges with a positive “I can” attitude, which can make all the difference in being successful!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Lower Elementary News, September 28, 2012

Field Trip

On Thursday, October 11, we are taking a field trip to Rio Rico High School for their annual "Clowns Who Read" production. This year they are going to be performing "Rumplestiltskin". We read the story in class recently. The field trip is free. We will leave at 9:15 a.m. and be back around 11:15 a.m. Permission slips will be sent out in next week's purple folder.

We need parent volunteers to chaperone, and drive to and from the production. We ask that you volunteer only if you can take 5 or more students in your vehicle. Please talk to Ms. Beth or Ms. Cori as soon as possible if you are interested in volunteering.

October Volunteering

Thank you to the parents who volunteered in September!  We really appreciate your help!  The volunteer sign-up sheet for October will be posted Monday morning on the Lower Elementary bulletin board.  We need volunteers to wash cups, go on the walk, and fill purple folders.  Thank you very much!


This week, your child has been learning about the Virtue of Cooperation -- working and playing together peacefully, and with an attitude of achieving a goal with the other person or people.  We discussed why it is important to cooperate and how it feels when cooperation is achieved.


  • Please remember that there will be Fall Break from October 5th - October 9th.  We will return to school on October 10th.
  • Tomorrow night, September 29, will be the Harvest Moon for 2012.  This is the full moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox.