Fire Safety
On Wednesday, we were visited by the Tubac Fire Department. They came to talk to the classrooms about how to keep yourself safe if there is a fire. Students had the opportunity to practice hearing the sound of the smoke detector, as well as how you should crawl to avoid inhaling smoke if there is a fire. We all got to see the fire truck, and students were asked to practice planning escape routes and meeting places with their family, in case of fire.
It is recommended that familes practice this at least twice a year, and that a plan is made for getting pets and small children out of the home. If your family has not already developed an emergency plan, have your child work with you to design one.
Help your family to have a safe home by checking that electrical outlets and appliances are working correctly, making sure things are not left where they could burn, and checking batteries in smoke detectors regularly.
For more tips on fire safety and interactive materials for children, visit the government's website on fire safety at:
The kids had a great time at Rumpelstiltskin on Thursday. They got to laugh, interact with the show, and even meet some of the characters afterwards. Some of them had really interesting things to write about in their journals after we came back to school.Thank you to the parents who volunteered to chaperone and drive the students to the performance. We couldn't do it without you!
As a part of our studies of historic European culture, we are learning about constellations and their relationship to Greek and Roman mythology. We used our imaginations to see things in a different way, such as cloud shapes, etc. Then the students designed thier own constellations.Try studying the night sky with your child to find constellations. Some of the easier ones to find right now are Pegasus or Cassiopeia. If you have a smart phone you can download the Google Sky Map (for free!) to help you identify the constellations you are looking at. You can find them on the computer at:
- Wednesday, October 17 @ 3:15 PM is Afternoon of Montessori: Watch Me Work
- Friday, October 19 from 1-3 PM is Campus Beautification Day. The afternoon will be spent focusing on clearing the garden space and parental help would be appreciated.