It's long past Christmas...
but we’ve had weather conditions worthy of that time of year! It’s certainly been an adventure! We want to thank all of you for being patient and flexible with our unusual circumstances these past two weeks. We’re glad that everyone was able to get to and from school safely despite winter weather conditions. This is a winter to remember!The Next Steps
Today your child learned about
the next steps in finishing their prehistoric animal report. Hopefully they are
all done with their research and can use the information they have learned to
put together an interesting presentation. It was modeled for them how to
organize their information and put it into their own words.
Encourage your child to be
creative in their presentation! Yes, they can turn in a simple report, but they
are equally as welcome to make a poster, book, or come up with another creative
method to share their information.
Third graders should have at least 3 (handwritten) pages of
information contained in their presentation, second graders 2 pages, and first
graders 1. The project is due Friday, March 1st. For questions,
please see Ms. Cori.
Open House/ Evening of Montessori is this coming
Wednesday, February 27, between 5:00 and 6:30 PM. Invite a friend!
The annual Silent Auction and Talent Show is
coming up faster than you think! If your child is interested in performing in
the talent show, now is a good time for them to start thinking about what their
act might be, particularly if they want to do an act with their friends.
Jump Rope for Heart fundraising packets were due
today! If you forgot to turn in your packet, please return it no later than