Friday, August 30, 2013

August 23, 2013

It’s hot out there!

As we get into the routines of the school year, we are introducing the children to the activities of gardening, PE, the Friday walks and of course, recess. All of these activities are outside, and often in the sun. It is really important that the children stay hydrated and cool in this hot weather.

Wednesdays are going to be our PE days, Thursdays are gardening and Fridays are the walk. Please make sure you child comes with the appropriate clothing and footware. Tennis shoes are the best type of shoe for these activities.

While we do have water available in the classroom, we recommend sending your child with a water bottle, so that they have water to take with them, no matter the activity they are participating in. We also recommend sending a hat to keep their faces out of the sun. If you send a hat and/or water bottle, please make sure they are labeled.

Wednesdays are going to be our PE Days, Thursday is gardening and Fridays are the walk.  Please make sure that your child comes with the appropriate clothing and shoes.  Tennis shoes are the best type of shoes for these activities.  If you want your child to keep a pair of tennis shoes here at school, they are welcome to do so.

Thank you for stepping up!

Thank you to those parents that came to the Volunteer Committee meeting on Wednesday. Your support means so much to us! We are looking forward to all the things the school will be able to accomplish with your help.

If you were unable to attend the meeting, but would still like to help, please see Ms. Carol in the office for more information.


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